sustainable productivity framework

A fully-customizable program of professional help
for teams and companies.

  • IT and other creative business
    Companies or teams of 10-100 people
  • growing and recenly relocated companies
    We know for real how difficult is it to relocate a business and a team. We help our clients adapt to their new conditions.
  • remote, neurodiverse and multicultural teams
    We assist teams from around the globe in collaborating effectively and considerately, navigating diverse cultural norms and addressing mental health challenges despite their geographical distribution.
  • productivity
    gain and improve in a mindful way with us
  • well-being
    adopt your well-being strategy for the real needs of the team
  • teamwork
    build effective interpersonal and global communications and confidence
initial study
We interview both employers and employees, design the questionaries, provide a Q&A session and study the relevant company materials.
personal consultations
We help identify the gaps between expectations and reality. We use time analysis to discover work-sensitive psychological issues, and third-wave cognitive behavioral therapy to solve them.
personal guide
After consultations, we will make a guide for each employee: summary and self-help tips to fix time management and psychological issues.
company guide
With this guide, we will help you learn about problems that actually affect employees’ productivity and review the first results which your employees have already noticed.
monitoring the progress
We will make focus group interviews with your employees in 3 months, 6 months, and a year to find out which identified issues got solved and which require more attention.
Please follow the white rabbit to book this course.
We’ll schedule a short meeting to set up all the necessary details.