time management course for corporate teams

We help adjust a schedule even for the most
disorganized employees: from chaos and high entropy
to a well-organized structure, customized
for the lives and personalities of each team member.

We will help your team fix problems

in the field of time management and productivity

  • Breakdowns of deadlines
    The backlog of the team is constantly growing; employees delay the completion of their tasks.
  • Procrastination
    The hidden causes of time management problems affect employees' productivity: they are distracted and spend time on unnecessary reflections.
  • No room for strategy
    Small urgent tasks, procrastination, and worries about deadline delays do not leave time for important strategic or creative tasks.
  • Burnout
    All these problems affect people's emotional state: conflicts arise in the team, and work/life balance is disturbed for people. This leads to a decrease in productivity and loss of satisfaction from work.
How we get there
  • Time analysis
    For a month, we explore the scheduling of each participant to find out where and why their time is wasted.
  • Data based
    We use the data from the time analysis to prototype a new flexible work/life schedule.
  • Practice
    We do not waste time on theory - we immediately move on to solving actual problems and getting first results.
  • Individual Approach
    When creating a prototype schedule, we consider each participant's personal characteristics and life circumstances.
Expected results
  • Mind your gaps
    You will learn the real reasons behind your time management issues and will obtain a solution.
  • Reduction of time wasting

    Up to 8 hours saved per week per employee.

  • Flexible schedule
    Every member will get a customized schedule that can be adjusted to changing circumstances.
  • Time for important tasks

    Several important, long-deferred tasks will finally get completed.

  • Decreased stress
    With a mindful and customised personal schedule there will be less room for stress,
one month program
  • 4
    weekly meetings
  • 2 hours
    of homework each week
  • 5-10
Please follow the white rabbit to book this course.
We’ll schedule a short meeting to set up all the necessary details.